Montag, 22. Dezember 2008

Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl.

In all the importance that is art, we underestimate the stunning virtue of pure chaos. Chaos isn't art, but that's exactly what it makes it so appealing to me. You must know, dear reader, in my left hand I have a glass filled with orange juice. Does it matter to world peace? Not at all, you would say without even considering the other option. And with that, you are right. If it slightly worries you then it's ok. You see, this was pretending to be chaotic. I like it and I like nothing. And I like Lisa.
I dislike boredom and the fact that N-O-O-N-E is here to play Monopoly with me.

But I really, really do like music. Which is partly the reason I am going to listen to some now.

Hakuna Matata,

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